BookBug's World…

reading, writing, crocheting, living….

lost and found… ——-> 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups #170


Everyone was telling her that he was a nobody. Yeah, maybe noticed on Christmastime, as one or the other passerby threw a quarter or a loonie to his dirty-green hat, as if to mute that uncomfortable voice that would start screaming inside…

But what SHE saw was that he had dreamy blue eyes, that once were looking with love and passion at his wife… Eyes that cried tears of joy, when their daughter was born… The same eyes were now filled with unbearable pain and hope…

She put her fragile hand on his cheek…

“I found you Daddy… at last…”

10 thoughts on “lost and found… ——-> 100 Word Challenge for Grown Ups #170

  1. Gosh there is so much in this piece! Sadness, joy and much love. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  2. Aw. So touching. Well done to tell a story in so few words.

  3. Oh, lovely. It put a lump in my throat.

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